Annapolis,University Painters
Written by Colleen Kalil

Make These New Year’s Home Resolutions

With each turn of the calendar page to a new year Americans tend to embrace the idea of making New Year’s resolutions that will result in improvements to their lives. May we suggest you do the same with regard to your home? This year, when the calendar reads January take a good hard look at your residence with the intent of finding places that need to be upgraded or improved. This may include the need for a new coat of paint when spring rolls around, or simply some good old-fashioned organization. Here are some ideas that will brighten your home and your mood!

• Do a complete walk-through of the interior of your home. Use a notepad and pen or a list program on your phone or computer. Take pictures of areas that you would like to have cleaned up or cleaned out, painted or repaired. Repeat this process for the exterior of your home as well. Sometimes a home owner is more likely to be honest about the condition of their residence in the winter weather than on a sunny clear day!

• Now, take your list and organize the issues you have noted in order of importance. Which problem would you like to tackle first? What can wait?

• Beneath each project write out the materials and steps that will need to be taken to complete the job. For example, perhaps your basement is dusty and has been a catch-all for years. What steps would you need to take to make the area usable? What materials would it require?

• Create a realistic calendar for when you will complete each project. Do not set goals that you will fail to reach. All too often, resolutions are abandoned because they are unreasonable from the start. If you are really committed to making authentic changes then ensure that your schedule is obtainable.
• Be sure to stretch the projects out over the course of the year. Also, be prepared to rearrange the schedule in case of weather or other problems. Do not let challenges prevent you from achieving your goals.
• Incorporate celebrations for each achievement…After all – this is your home and your life! You simply can never give yourself too many pats on the back for making things better!

When you are ready for the support of a professional paint company contact the experts at University Painters, Inc.