At University Painters we recognize that your home is perhaps your most valuable asset, and you want to beautify and protect it with a great paint job . Whether you are painting the exterior to protect and bring new life to your home or creating a new look on the interior, University Painters is dedicated to make your project successful.
Our Estimators will work with you to transform your home based on your taste, your furnishings and your budget. Paint is one of the most cost effective ways to enhance the look of your home and can be accomplished with minimal disruption to your life.
Our painters are skilled professional craftsman who understand the finer points of proper preparation and repair. We use superior products and demand our painters take their time and do the job right the first time. You will be very happy with the results when our painters are finished with your project.
Why Choose Us
- Professional Service
- Free Written Estimates
- Fully Licensed & Insured Staff
- The Highest Quality Paints
- Affordable Rates

Our team of professional painters will give your home a stunning exterior! Curb appeal? Absolutely!

Our attention to detail sets us apart! Our trained professionals create straight lines and even coats!

Painting is only part of a transformed space, our highly skilled team creates elegant interiors with custom molding and carpentry.

We also specialize in removing unwanted color… let our team do the dirty work and say hello to a fresh new exterior!