Interior Exterior Painting
Written by Colleen Kalil

Color Choices & Your Mood

Interior Exterior PaintingYes, it’s true. Color has a psychological effect on your mood. There is an actual area of study that focuses solely on this and it’s called color psychology. Simply defined it is the study of hues ‘as a determinant of human behavior’. Color can have both positive and negative effects on individuals. Some will elicit happiness, others anger, and still others depression.

While there is no question that color can influence a person’s mood, there are a variety of factors that must be taken into consideration. For example, age, gender and culture all play a role in how a color is perceived by the individual. Some studies have shown that men find women more attractive when they are wearing the color red! Research also confirms that warm colors may invoke more of a tendency to make a spontaneous purchase! It is obvious that color psychology is complex, interesting and useful.

But what does this have to do with exterior, interior and commercial painting? Well, a lot actually. After all, when you undertake a painting project the aim is to improve the overall presentation of a room, home or business. It could generally be accepted that the outcome should be one that fosters happiness and pride. So, more than a little thought should go into the colors you choose for any paint job.

Remember that red and orange are stimulating. These are hues that must be used after much reflection and thought. Most often, they are not good color choices for the outside of a home or business, except perhaps as trim or accent. Even indoors, red and orange are powerful and should be used sparingly unless the aim of the room is to be stimulating.

Meanwhile, the color white invokes visions of cleanliness and purity. It is overwhelming the choice of color for many business and home exteriors. It gives a feeling of sterility (austerity even to some extent), so it is hardly a color to give to a room where people and family gather.

Ultimately, every color tends to evoke subtle emotions. Keep this in mind when you set out to improve your home’s appearance. Take some time and get comfortable with a color before you make it a permanent part of your residence or business.

If you have questions about residential or commercial painting, please call the experts at University Painters, Inc. for answers. Your home is our business.

house painter, exterior painter
Written by Colleen Kalil

Paint that Sells the Home

house painter, exterior painterHave you ever gone house hunting and were totally put off by an exterior or interior color that was off-putting, if not downright ugly? You’ve seen those houses painted bubble gum pink or candy cane red on the outside. It’s probably going to be the same house that has interior walls the color of a forest with neon baseboards for added interest.

Believe me when I tell you that the color of your home both inside and out can either draw prospective customers to your home if you are getting ready to sell or repel them. All indications are that if you are getting ready to sell your house, it has a better chance of moving on the market if you keep these things in mind.

Choose a color that blends well with your natural surroundings and the larger neighborhood. For example, if you live in Arizona, the overwhelming majority of homes are a shade of taupe on the outside with subtle trim and an arid, clean color on the inside. Conversely, homes in New England look better and are more likely to sell if they are a shade of white or gray with neutral trims. These colors give off a stately vibe that the potential buyer feels without having to say anything.

Blue is another popular choice for a home’s exterior, but this should be done with the same caution as choosing any other color palette. Again, a blue house would be out of place in many areas of the country. But, it would be just as much at home near a beach, especially with white trim and particularly if the color of blue is muted.

Occasionally, accent walls on the exterior of the home can provide a bold statement. It can make your house stand out while still blending into the overall neighborhood. For example, you might try a charcoal colored or indigo blue accent wall against a cream-colored house.

It’s a good idea to put some thought into the color you choose to paint your house long before you begin the process. Remember, color can draw buyers to you or send them fleeing in the other direction, even if the location is good and the price is right.

If you need some expert advice on painting your house, we here at University Painters pride ourselves on our long-standing professional service. Before you buy that first gallon of paint, give us a call. We would be delighted to work with you!

Interior Painting, exterior painting,
Written by Colleen Kalil

Painting The Workplace With These Colors Can Make Employees More Productive

Interior Painting, exterior painting,Colors can affect job productivity. It’s time for an office makeover if your office walls are painted dull gray, the cold color commonly used in cubicles and concrete.

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Texas found that gray, white and beige offices can induce feelings of sadness and depression in women. Men, on the other hand, experience gloomy feelings in orange and purple workplaces.

The study shows that colors can profoundly impact people’s productivity. This means that offices and workplaces need to be painted and decorated with vibrant and stimulating hues to boost output and spark creativity.

What Colors Can Help Improve Productivity In Your Office?

Low-wavelength colors, such as calming blue and restful green, improve efficiency and focus. They can also lend a sense of well-being. Paint your office with green and blue if you want happier and more effective workers.

For workplaces where people do creative thinking all day, color psychologists recommend painting the office with blue and spicing it up with a bit of orange to introduce some emotion into the room.

The color red, a high-wavelength color, is a passion-inspiring hue. This active and intense color, widely used during Valentine’s Day and on fire trucks, can increase heart rate and blood flow.  The red hue also stimulates physically. Use this color if you want your employees to be more productive in doing physical tasks.

Mellow yellow is often considered by color psychologists as the shade of optimism. This energetic and fresh color is believed to trigger innovation. It is best used in work environments where creative professionals, such as designers, artists and writers work.

Determining The Right Color To Paint Your Workplace

To determine the color that best suits your workplace, narrow down which main color or color combinations will work best in your situation. If you employ people who are hired to do manual labor, such as building houses, you would want something red rather than blue. If your company employs artists, you can have the workplace painted primarily in yellow to inspire creativity in your workers.

Hire a professional to do the painting job at your office. University Painters has years of experience painting offices, commercial buildings and houses. Contact us now to get a free estimate.

Interior painting, home painting
Written by Josh Jablon

Painting Your Walls With These Colors Can Help Relieve Stress

You do not have to travel far everyday to de-stress and relax. You can take a breather after a stressful day at work in the comfort of your home. Having the right home interior paint colors in your house has been proven to boost mood and help you relax, so you may want to consider the colors painted on your walls. You may want to switch to any of the following colors that can make your long and stressful day less overwhelming:


Blue is a soothing color that can calm your mind and reduce tension. It is frequently used in bedrooms because it helps people sleep. When choosing shades of blue, go for those that are soft, neutral and restful.


Violet stems from the color blue. The right kind of violet can bring inner peace and balance on your soul. Steer away from hues that have too much black in them though because these shades tend to create a cold environment.


Pink also calms and brings peace into a room. Feng Shui believers even use this color for soothing energy in a room. Pink may be considered a feminine color, which is why it is best used in girls’ rooms but the right tone can look beautiful in any room.


Green is a symbol of nature. The color is also very visually soothing, which can help produce a feeling of freshness and calm. People find themselves more relaxed in places where they are surrounded by the colors of nature. You can bring this feeling inside your home by painting your rooms and walls with nature’s colors.


Gray may seem dull and boring for some people but this color can actually provide a soothing and cooling presence. It is also a neutral color so it easily works with most furnishings. It can be used in a variety of rooms including the living room, kitchen, home office and bedroom.

Getting the right colors for your home can help alleviate stress after a busy day at work. If you consider repainting your home for new colors that can help you relax, choose a painting service contractor with years of experience in the industry. University Painters has been providing painting services for houses and condominiums since 1986. Feel free to contact us for a free estimate of the painting job you have in mind.

Home Painter, Interior Painting
Written by Josh Jablon

Colors To Use And Avoid In Your Home

can influence people. The right color in your room can help you sleep better at night. Some colors, on the other hand, may have an unwanted influence on the appetite of people in the dining room. Here are the things that you need to consider if you’re planning to give your home a new set of colors:

Bright Colors

Vibrant shades of green, yellow, blue and orange are happy colors that encourage communication and provide an expansive feeling. These colors are great for the dining area and the kitchen.

Dark Colors

Dark colors such as dark shades of green, purple, red and blue give a constricting and gloomy effect. Given the right accent elements and applied in the right place though, these colors convey feelings of comfort and security.

Warm Colors

Warm colors such as orange and yellow hues elevate the perceived temperature of a room, which makes them ideal for spaces that face north. These colors also inspire activity so avoid using them in rooms where you go to relax, such as the bedroom.

Cold Colors

Cold colors such as greens and icy blue offer a calming effect, so they are best for bedrooms. They can help you feel relaxed when you go to bed at night and wake up refreshed in the morning.

Particular Colors

Navy blue inhibits people’s willingness to communicate so it is not a good idea to use this color in the living and dining areas where people commonly socialize and talk. The color, however is appealing to potential home buyers so painting your house with this color prior to selling it can help increase the value of your property.

Red increases the energy level of a room but it can make people more hostile and irritable, which makes it a bad choice for a child’s room. You may instead use it as an accent instead of as a base room color.

Gray needs to be avoided in the kitchen and dining areas if you do not want to dampen people’s appetites.

If you think you have painted a room with the wrong color or you simply want to update the colors of your home, consider hiring a professional painting service contractor with years of experience in the industry. Your home deserve the best quality painting job. Feel free to contact us here at University Painters for an estimate.