exterior painting,painters, residential painting job
Written by Colleen Kalil

Updating Your Home’s Look for Less

exterior painting,painters, residential painting jobDoes your home seem to look duller these days? You can’t put your finger on it, but it needs to be updated. The whole house is not in need of a paint job. It’s only the shutters that could use a fresh coat. Shutters are a common addition to many homes. They serve many purposes. They can be a decorative addition or may be used to keep harsh sunlight out. If it’s the shutters that you want painted, here are some hints to tackling this job properly.

Choose a complementary or contrasting color that you are going to enjoy. Many people don’t realize just what an important role shutters play in the overall look of the house until they are painted a color that doesn’t look right. Try to find pictures of homes that are similar to yours and are sporting shutters in a color you are considering as a precursor to making the decision.

Clean the shutters thoroughly prior to the painting process. You may need to use a little bleach to rid them of mold and stains. Allow them to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Just as you would when painting a house, the next step is to scrape off any paint chips or flakes. Otherwise they become part of the new paint job.

Now, prime the shutters just as you would the house. This helps to ensure they are ready to bond with the paint and allows the paint to adhere more thoroughly. A good priming job prior to painting also helps to guarantee a cleaner, brighter look that will last longer!

When you begin the actual painting process, start at the top of the shutter and work your way down. Apply the paint with a lighter stroke so the painted areas do not have tell-tale signs of paint brush marks.

Finally, apply two coats of paint. One will simply not give you the long-lasting paint job you are looking for.

Sound like a lot of work? Too busy to do the job yourself? Then turn to the professionals at University Painters. We have been in the interior, exterior and commercial painting business for  32 years. We will treat your home as if it’s our own.

interior painting,painters,home,commercial
Written by Colleen Kalil

Preparing to Paint

interior painting,painters,home,commercialFall is a great time to refresh your home’s interior. The weather is cooler and it’s an opportunity to get ready for the upcoming holiday season. The time it takes to prepare properly is well worth it when you see the results.


If at all possible, remove the furniture from the room and cover the floor with a drop cloth. If you can’t take all the furniture out, push everything into the middle of the room and cover with plastic or another drop cloth.


Before you paint, clean your windows inside and out. It isn’t necessary for painting, but it will add to the freshness of the room. You can also check the frames and glass for any signs of wear or damage. When the windows are done, cover the glass with plastic using painter’s tape to protect them from drips and splatters.

Repair any cracks, chips, or other damage to your walls. If you have to use putty to fill holes, make sure you sand it smooth. If you don’t, you’ll see the outline under the paint. Dust the walls and ceiling if you plan to paint it. Wash the walls with warm water and a little mild cleaner. By removing the dust first, you avoid creating dirty streaks when you wash the walls. Vacuum any vents in the ceiling or in the floor.


The best order for painting is trim, ceiling, and walls. Tape around the trim and around the ceiling, then paint. Let the ceiling paint dry completely before taping the top of the walls. Some people hate taking the time to tape, but it saves time and creates a finished look.


If the current wall color is very dark and you’re applying a lighter color, prime the walls first. However, some brands of paint include primer or the texture makes primer unnecessary. Using a small brush, cut into the corners of the room, where the ceiling and wall meet, and around the trim. Do this for any place your roller won’t be able to reach. Paint the walls using a “W” pattern starting in one corner and covering a 3′ x 3′ area. This reduces visible seams where the paint overlaps.


Most latex paint dries to the touch in a few hours, but you shouldn’t let anything rest against the wall or wash it for at least 48 hours.

The professionals at University Painters take the time to prepare every surface in your home to achieve the best results. Call us today and schedule your fall refresh today.